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Destination: Utopia

Big, green things have been happening behind the scenes at Shambala HQ. We’ve been beavering away on a seriously ambitious 5 Year Sustainability Strategy, due to launch in 2023.

In the meantime, for those that are new to the family (or old-hats who need a refresher!) we’ve put together an animated explainer, celebrating everything we’ve achieved together so far, showing how we do things, what we need YOU to do, and also to shine a light on what’s new for 2022.

So, even if you’re a Shambala veteran, give it a watch.


☕️ Bring your mug and your bottle

🗑 Use the correct bins

⛺️ Take your tents and the rest of your stuff home.

Let’s work together to keep the party going forever.

Animation – Trago Studio / Voiceover – Catherine Sharples.