One for our Shambala families: Enjoy a special shambala discount on this best selling Nature Connection guidebook from Chris Holland, who runs Shambala’s beloved Bushcamp overnight camping sessions for kids.
The current situation with COVID19 means that many of you will find yourself with more time to spend with your children – so let’s make best use of it!
“Full of fun and imaginative, practical ideas this is must for everyone concerned with children, the environment and the part we must all play in protecting it.“ – Michael Morpurgo.

Chris wrote his Nature Connection Handbook for parents, forest school leaders and teachers, who wanted stuff to do with their children outdoors.
The purpose of the handbook is to teach families to grow with a deep connection to nature, the elements of fire, earth, air and water – to help them have an inner sense of direction and care for the world around them.
There’s ideas for turning the smallest garden into a ‘blobster world’ and a piece of string can take you on adventure! Discover tips on makings dens, lighting fires effectively in all weathers, how to read nature to find water, how to use a knife safely for everyday and bushcraft tasks, blindfold and sneaking games, making things with clay, foraging ideas and stories woven through the text.
His book is an absolute must for the Forest School Practitioner, the Outdoor Classroom Teacher or parent who feels the need to turn off the T.V. or computer and simply spend some quality time outside (and you really don’t need large spaces – a park bench or a shrub in your front garden can become a home for a blobster! And a piece of string becomes a story path).
It’s now available as a buy one get one free offer – with a free PDF download when you buy the online course version. If, however, you’re more of a real-book-in-your-hand sort of person, you can get a signed copy from from Chris, using the same link below – look for the green section with the yellow button..
Find out more and look at the free preview sections here.
Try this story led fun learning adventure for families – half price for Shambalan families

NEST is a video based, nature-story and earth care tales led, playful learning course for families that wakes up your curiosity with a story and then gives you the resources:
* To tell stories out loud, confidently
* That connect you to nature, wth load of ideas (both sensible and silly!) for extended and active learning, indoors and outside
* To ask leading questions to encourage enquiry and self led learning
* To help you feel at home on earth and in yourself
* To be in touch with your creativity, your senses and emotions
* To become more empathic and strongly connected through the magic of a story.
Happy discovering! x