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Shambala Festival 2024

Heaven on Earth

Whilst billionaires smash-and-grab on a planetary scale and escape their crime scenes in weird phallic-shaped rockets, let’s get set to make heaven on earth without them.

So, what does Heaven on Earth look like?

Well, first of all, we are stronger together in The Community Garden, where we can collaborate, meet fellow change-makers and germinate the seeds of resilience.

Whatsmore, we can cultivate our practical and grounded skills in The Thrive-All School, to help us to flourish as a fruitful collective.

And, hone our talents as kitchen-witches in our cosy Cottagecore Kitchen, where together, we can learn how to make earthly pleasures & medicines of the food-sort.

Then, we will sink our teeth into radical talks and conversations in the ‘Chew On This’ tent, where we Heaven dwellers have some amazing speakers to nourish, encourage and inspire our right-relationships with nature.

And finally, we’ll all get-together in The Sustainabubble, to explore our relationships with our ecosystem, and share practical ideas, tips and tricks for how to make our footprints lighter.

What's on at Heaven on Earth