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Creative Writing for Climate Liberation with Liba Ravindran

Through this creative writing workshop, we will explore ways to address the climate crisis whilst not replicating colonial and capitalist extractive dynamics and mechanisms. There will be opportunities to write and perform as part of the session. We will share, reflect and build empathy around solutions that are regenerative and anti-oppression based. This session is run by Liba Ravindran from Anti-Oppression Circle.

Liba Ravindran is a spoken word poet, community organiser and social justice activist from Sri Lankan Tamil heritage, born in Norway and presently living in North London. Liba has been using his poetry for grassroots change as a community activist and involved in the local poetry/spoken word scene in London through readings at various venues. He founded the Anti-Oppression Circle in 2020 which is an intersectional justice network led by Global Majority* folk in the UK.

*The term Global Majority was coined to break out of the colonial, white, Eurocentric perspective that constantly defines the rest of the world in opposition to itself, and minoritises the knowledge, experiences and ways of thinking of those it describes as “minorities”, even though they represent over 85% of the world’s population, from Asia to Africa, to indigenous peoples and their descendants.

This session is part of a day of talks and workshops exploring “Decolonial Perspectives on Climate Change” curated by Sheila Menon: What does it look and feel like when social injustice and systemic inequality is the starting place, when we think and talk about climate change?